Thursday, April 17, 2008


Akan datang.... Cendawan Tiram Hitam yang di usahakan oleh Puan Zainon.

Tersangatlah menariknya..... saya akan upload video dan gambar kemudian. Sibuk dengan assignment dari kementerian buat masa ni.

Till then!

Updated on April 19th @ 11.57 am. Below is the slide show from the photos that I snap during my short interview with Puan Zainon. She got 2 loyal and skillful helper to run the mixer, doing packing, monitoring and evaluating. Unlike other bosses who mostly just sitting in the air-conditioned room and comfy chair, she herself gave her 'personal touch' to ensure everything's run smoothly and as scheduled. I also met her old-but-energetic father (in his 80-ies i guess) who was also helping Zainon running the farm.

These photos were captioned, so you guys can read the process and explaination by clicking at the callout - at the bottom corner left of the slideshow.

Next, will be about Zainon's personal details, her interest, her passion and her supportive families!

Till then.